
Even though we are surrounded by data, it’s not easy to remember or comprehend isolated numbers. However, when put in a story, it becomes more relatable and easier to remember. This is one of the major reasons why infographics have become so popular among marketers around the globe. However, with the surge in use, it is highly important that you strategize your infographic carefully in order for you to drive traffic, generate leads, and build awareness. Here are some things you should and should not do when it comes to infographic creation.


Do keep it simple


You need to break down your message in a way that will make it easy for your customers to understand. make strong accurate sentences then use data to support what you say. Always remember less is more when it comes to infographic. Use contrasting colors to make it easy for your readers to understand everything immediately. this is more so if you need your customers to focus on specific data.


Don’t use too much information in one chart


If you format your data poorly or keep it an organized, then it won’t get you very far. If you want your data to be effective, you need to put more focus on the categories that makes the point. Arrange your data in a category that makes it easy for your customers to grasp everything in an easy way.


Do you use captivating titles


Don’t use boring titles that leave nothing to the imagination. If you give everything to your customers on the first sentence, there will be no point for them to read further. Use enticing headlines that will lead your prospects into valuable information. Use concrete metaphors to visually impact your customers. Include data that supports your point and make it detailed enough to convince them. This way, it will be easy for them to remember, recognize, and share it. Don’t use weird formatting because customers get bored very easily. You should also use the right infographic tools so you can make your design and distribution very easy.


Do make your messages believable


Use everything you can from expert support, to customer quotes and testimonials in order to make your messages believable. You should also use good data so that your customer will trust you and come back for more information. Never show numbers without context because good stories tend to be emotional and your message will get across as long as you make your customers feel something. You can use your data to start conversations or incite curiosity so your customers want to know more. If you are content has the context or emotion, your readers will not know how to perceive it whether negatively or positively. Effective use of infographics and chat could dramatically improve your marketing campaign significantly.




These are some of the dos and don’ts of infographics. As long as you know what you’re doing, they can change your marketing campaign significantly. Using the right infographic tools such as Visme. Visme has many free infographic tools that you can use. The right tools go a long way because you will be able to create amazing infographics.
