22 best tweets of the week, including meat cubes, important jeans, and Lorde

Have you heard that new Lorde song? What do you think? I like it. Sure, it’s a little different than what we’ve come to expect from her, but I enjoyed it. Really looking forward to the whole album dropping.

Anyway, yep, another week in the books. It’s Friday, baby. So why don’t you queue up “Solar Power,” crack your knuckles, and read some good tweets we rounded up. After all, the weekend is coming and we all deserve a nice laugh. 

So here they are, our 22 favorite tweets of the week.

1. Love a meat cube park

it’s supposedly rose quartz but all I see is a meat cube garden pic.twitter.com/AWmxXe0nH4

— the fucked lady (@cryptcrier) June 10, 2021 Read more…

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