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ВТБ купил 15% «Делимобиля» за $75 млн

«ВТБ Капитал» приобретает миноритарную долю в компании Delimobil Holding S.A. (владеет сервисами «Делимобиль», Anytime и Anytime.Prime) за $75 млн, рассказал прессе председатель правления ВТБ Юрий Соловьев. Доля “ВТБ Капитала” составит около 15%, что даёт оценку компании на основании этой сделки в полмиллиарда долларов. Руководство “Делимобиля” подчеркнуло открытость компании ко входу в капитал новых партнёров. Согласно […]

How to Earn Money Through a Video Game Business

Featured image from Pixabay Video games have become one of the best modes of entertainment for many people. Many people play video games to reduce stress in their lives, while others play as a hobby. The online gaming industry has seen explosive growth over the last few years, especially during this pandemic. Gaming helped people […]

One File Storage System Will Make Your Business More Profitable

Featured image by Ag Ku from Pixabay  Increase your company’s profitability by improving efficiency and productivity. One file storage system that can help you do that. RELATED ARTICLE: LAUNCHING A BUSINESS? TIPS TO BOOST PRODUCTIVITY Are you looking for ways to make your business more profitable? Your profit ultimately comes from your customers or clients. However, focusing […]
