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How To Save When Food Costs Go Up

Over the summer, food and household supply prices are expected to rise as much as 15%. According to the average American household budget from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the combined expense of food, household operations, and housekeeping supplies was $10,505 in 2019. A 15% jump in that number means the average American household is […]

How To Avoid Early Debt When You’re Young

When you’re young and new to your career, there’s a lot of temptation to spend more than you earn. You see people ahead of you in your career path making a lot of money and living an affluent lifestyle, and it’s easy to envision yourself being there in a few years. Why not spend a […]

Where to Find Free Wifi in Any Neighborhood

Sometimes, free wifi can be a lifesaver. Imagine you’re in an unfamiliar location and you have a smartphone or a tablet but you don’t have a data plan (or you’ve already used up much of or all of your data limit for the month, or you don’t have a good signal). You need to get […]

Wildberries, Ozon, DNS и компания предлагают запретить и Яндексу быть маркетплейсами в предустановке

Ассоциация компаний интернет-торговли попросила Минцифры “ограничить функционал” приложений, которые находятся в списке обязательной предустановки на продаваемые в России устройства. Маркетплейсы считают, что возможность размещать объявления делает ВКонтакте, «Одноклассники» и Яндекс их конкурентами, а конкурировать с ними будет сложно из-за предустановки. Ещё из предустановки предлагается исключить поисковики, так как поиск есть в браузерах. Эти соображения изложены […]

Нейросеть для контроля поведения и состояния школьников пришла из Обнинска в Подмосковье

В одной из школ Подмосковья будут тестировать нейросеть, которая с помощью умных камер наблюдает за учениками и анализирует их поведение. Она будет уведомлять школьных сотрудников и родителей о потенциально опасном поведении, плохом эмоциональном состоянии и других проблемах учеников, а также о проблемах со школьной инфраструктурой (например, если в помещении слишком жарко). В систему входят умные […]

Offshore Software Development: The Benefits of Doing It Well

Featured image by Arif Riyanto on Unsplash Increasing competition requires businesses to respond in new ways. No longer can they pay top dollar for in-house software development, as these functions add significantly to business costs. Moreover, doing business in that way holds key personnel back from driving more business innovation, as they must work practically around the clock […]

How to Calculate Net Worth

Your net worth is a simple indicator of your overall financial health. It’s the total value of everything you own minus the total of all of your debts; that’s it. The higher your net worth, the healthier your financial situation. That number represents how much cash you’d have if you sold off every possession you […]

30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Windows

We live in a golden age of computer software, where there are freely available software packages for almost any purpose. But isn’t there no such thing as a free lunch? Who makes free software, and why? Some free software is the result of people simply writing programs that they find useful and sharing them with […]

Should You Buy a Duplex, Rent Out One Unit, and Live in the Other?

Investing in real estate can be a smart move, but that doesn’t mean this wealth-building strategy is attainable for everyone. You usually need at least 20% to put down on an investment property and saving that much money can be a tough task for almost anyone – especially in this real estate market. But, what […]

How to Remove PMI

Before you go looking for a mortgage lender willing to let you buy your next home without a significant down payment, there’s a set of initials you should know about: PMI. Short for private mortgage insurance, this is extra mortgage insurance that’s tacked on to conventional home loan purchases made with less than 20% down. […]

Does Office Furniture Really Set the Tone for Your Business?

Featured image by Free-Photos from Unsplash Just like how we choose the environment that surrounds us at home, the environment that surrounds us at work heavily impacts how we work and how productive we are. Office furniture is one of the easily fixed, yet commonly overlooked, facets of our workday.  The average employee spends eight […]

5 Expert Tips for Establishing Your Executive Presence

Featured image from Pixabay In business, it’s all about the intangibles. “Executive presence” is the distinguishing factor between an entrepreneur or businessperson who gets the venture capital, rises the corporate ladder, wins a larger market share, outcompetes their vertical and one who doesn’t. Even the best business idea and execution in the world needs to be […]

Indicators That Help Traders See the Big Picture

Featured image by Liza Summer from Pexels A technical indicator can reveal average prices, trending volume changes, overall strength of a particular security, volatility levels, and short-term trends. It can also work as part of a larger trading strategy. Here’s a short review of the top technical indicators and how to use them. RELATED ARTICLE: FINANCIAL MARKET INVESTING […]
