The world of blogging has changed since I started Get Rich Slowly in April 2006. For one thing, “blogging” now encompasses other media. Some folks prefer to get their info via podcasts or video. (Me? I’m a reader.)

J.D. during a podcast interview [wide]

As an experiment — and to prove I’m not that old — I’m going to try a series of four weekly Facebook Live discussions. For the next four Saturdays, Kim and I are going to have a Saturday morning conversation about personal finance in front of dozens (hundreds?) of other folks.

That’s right: My girlfriend is going to join me for this project.

After a lot of discussion about what format would work best, I realized that Kim’s voice would be a welcome addition to these videos. For one, she’s nicer to look at and has a more engaging personality. For another, she’s not as far along the path to financial freedom as I am. In fact, she has some very real concerns about whether or not she’ll be able to save enough for retirement by the time she wants to retire!

Adding Kim to the mix will make these conversations more interesting (we can interview each other) and allow viewers to get more than one point of view.

For now, we’re only planning to do four of these. If people like them — and they’re not too difficult — we’ll make this a regular feature. (And, in the meantime, I’m preparing to create other video material for the GRS YouTube channel.)

Here’s our tentative schedule:

  • August 11th: Managing money in a long-term relationship
  • August 18th: The pros and cons of homeownership
  • August 25th: Choosing the best bank accounts and credit cards
  • September 1st: Discovering ways to earn more money

We’ll be sipping coffee and talking about money on Saturdays at 8 a.m. Pacific (which is 11 a.m. Eastern). You can join us at the Get Rich Slowly page on Facebook. I look forward to trying something new — and to interacting with an audience in real time!

The post An experiment: Saturday morning money conversations on the GRS Facebook page appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.


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