lastpass0If your password manager of choice is Lastpass, right now HumbleBundle is selling a 12-month subscription of LastPass Premium for $6. (You do have a password manager, right?) This works out to $0.50 a month as opposed to the regular price of $2/month. According to SD, the keys are redeemable for both new and existing customers, and you can even buy two codes to stack (per payment type) for multiple years. I am not sure of the exact differences between Free and Premium, as Lastpass seems to hide those in order to push Premium. I am a 1Password user, which is $3 to $5 per month for cloud users.

Deal ends July 30th. Codes redeemable until September 1, 2018. 12 months subscription starts from the date of activation.

LastPass Premium Discount: 12-Month Subscription for $6 from My Money Blog.

©, 2018.


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