Are you thinking of helping your kid setting up a lemonade stand this summer? Apparently, some young entrepreneurs are getting shut down due to a lack of small business permits. In a very savvy PR move, Country Time Lemonade has offered to reimburse any permit fees or fines (up to $300) that are incurred while operating a lemonade stand. Here’s their “Legal-ade” video:

On one hand, nobody likes bureaucracy. The United States is currently #6 in the world for “ease of doing business” according to the World Bank. On the other hand, perhaps navigating local business laws is a valuable lesson for teens and above. I mean, even the Legal-ade website is crammed full of fine print:

Open to legal residents of the 50 U.S. (including D.C.), who are the parents or legal guardians of a child 14 years of age or younger operating a lemonade stand. Program ends 11:59pm ET on 8/31/18 or when $60,000 worth of offers have been awarded, whichever comes first. For complete Terms and Conditions, including status of available offers, and all other details, visit

So many rules. You can’t even be 17 or younger to get reimbursed by Country Time. But hey, now motivated parents can get those permits reimbursed (as long as they haven’t exhausted their $60,000 budget). A framed official business permit for their first lemonade stand will go great on my kids’ walls, right next to their framed Berkshire Hathaway stock certificate… Class B share, unfortunately.

Country Time Lemonade Will Pay Legal Fees For Unlicensed Lemonade Stands from My Money Blog.

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