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Our weekly Portfolio Spotlight series takes a closer look at the talented people using Format websites to showcase their work. This week, we chat with photographer Chloé Le Reste via email.

Based in Paris, Le Reste is drawn to urban environments both at home and in her travels to places like London, Berlin, Düsseldorf, and Scandinavia. Her work draws attention to architecture, highlighting materials, geometric shapes, pops of color, and details that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Le Reste’s site takes advantage of Horizon’s horizontal scroll and unobtrusive menu while the theme’s clean layout complements the minimalist aesthetic she captures in her work.

Chloe le reste

How did you first get into photography?

Photography was a hobby for me as a teenager, but at that time I shot mostly nature and landscape. I would say that I started to be interested in taking pictures of buildings during a trip we took to Copenhagen as architecture students. I remember being immersed into so many great contemporary architectural pieces. I started to get into [architectural photography] more seriously about two years ago.

What camera do you shoot with?

I use a Canon 5D Mark III camera with various lenses. I mostly use 16-35mm when I’m doing interior shots, and 24mm and also 50mm for details.

Is there a particular project you’ve worked on that stands out for you?

I like to produce pictures from travels that I find particularly inspiring. I have some very good memories from Scandinavia, where most of the Metallic pictures are from, because we found lots of architectural landmarks. I also enjoyed a Tenerife island trip where the light was amazing to shoot buildings within urban areas, as well as some local nature. Also, contemporary architecture is omnipresent there, which creates a contrast between urbanity and preserved vegetation.

How do you use your website to support your photography?

I think a website is an appropriate tool to showcase new pictures, specific stories, or overall work. Actually, it can be more substantial than another type of media. For that reason, in my opinion, it is an important tool that can be personalized, especially nowadays as digital is taking the lead.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on different projects, including the continuity of some series. Most of the time I am also constantly researching new spaces to shoot and stories to create. Hopefully, I will be able to plan a trip to discover “never seen” places shortly.

Name two photographers we should be following.

There are quite a lot of inspiring photographers to follow, but I appreciate the work of Fabio Bascetta, which is multifaceted and sensitive, with a particularly soothing atmosphere.

I also enjoy the work of Tõnu Tunnel, which is architectural-oriented and interesting because of his specific attention to details for architecture within its environment.

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Think your Format portfolio should be featured in our Portfolio Spotlight series? Send us a link to be considered.


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