SEC предоставила в суд документы, подтверждающие передачу Gram из рук в руки после ICO, что доказывает её тезис о том, что токены Gram использовались как незарегистрированные акции, а компании продающие их новым “акционерам” действовали как андеррайтеры.
According to the invoices presented by the SEC, Da Vinci Capital sold over $2 million worth of grams to a fund managed by its portfolio company, ITI Funds, on June 20, 2018. Gem Limited sold 7.8 million euros ($8.6 million) worth of grams to a firm named Goliat Solutions and $4.5 million to Space Investments Limited on July 2, 2018.
Both sales took place after the offering of grams, which Telegram maintains was exempt from registration under Regulation D, was completed in February and March 2018.
Da Vinci Capital’s investment director Denis Efremov declined to comment. Gem Limited was unavailable for comment at press time.