Cybercrime is a very serious offence involving computers and networks. Several people are still victims these days. The activity ranges from hacking into personal accounts, child pornography, copyright infringement, sextortion, and unwarranted mass surveillance. Cyber attacks are very diverse and dealing with them isn’t such an easy task. According to The New York Times, companies will never reveal information about a cyber attack on their systems until evidence is provided.
The internet is one place through which most of these attacks come from. Instead of planning to recover from an attack, it is better to protect yourself so that the attack doesn’t happen in the first place. We would be looking at seven different ways you can keep the security threats away from you.
Protecting Yourself from Cyber Security Threats
1. Use stronger passwords
The use of stronger passwords locks down your accounts, making it nearly impossible for intruders to gain access. When signing into different accounts ensure you don’t repeat the password every time. If they could get one of your passwords, it means they can get all your passwords. Every password you use should be a minimum of 10 characters, including upper and lowercase letters, numbers and a variety of symbols. To
2. Change your social media settings
Your social media settings provide whatever a hacker would need to get into your account. Sharing important and private information on your social media accounts is not advisable. It is important to use a two-steps authentication method to protect your account further, ensuring that the hackers have to go
3. Teaching your kids about the internet
4. Backup your data
Ensure you back up every important data on your device. There are several cloud storage platforms that possess enough space to
5. Be careful when using public Wi-Fi
When being mindful of cyber threats, making use of personal network instead of public Wi-Fi is very important. If the Wi-Fi is the only option available, ensure that it is well protected and you know the Wi-Fi vendor providing the Wi-Fi. Also ensure your Wi-Fi is always turned off, except when intending to connect to a personal or known Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi would automatically connect to an open network close-by. Hackers use various Wi-Fi strategies to get into your device.
6. Regular software updates and Antivirus scans
Installing antivirus software and updating it regularly is one way to keep your system protected. Norton Antivirus is one of the good softwares that help you carry out scans, identify, and nullify threats on your system. Updating your system software and using the latest security updates helps keep your system in check, and prevent security incidents.
7. Learning how scammers operate
Scammers and cybercriminals have specific methods they use to gain access to your device from the internet.
Before clicking on anything when surfing the net, think twice. Is what you’re about to click necessary? Was it expected? Do you know who sent it? Don’t just click it because you’re eager to see what is in it. Someone somewhere is also eager to see what is in your system. Stay cautious.
Once you’ve mastered the various ways to keep yourself safe from these attacks, you can begin to tell people about it till everyone is aware. Keeping yourself and your kids safe from identity theft and other forms of cyber attack should be a priority.