7 Reasons Why Arts in Education Is so Important for Kids
The importance of art in the education of the child
Unlike past years, modern children learn a lot through visual effects. From an early age, children are exposed to computers, tablets, and smartphones, and they acquire knowledge using the touch screen faster than they begin to speak. That is why art is a very significant factor in the development of a child. It teaches children how to interpret, criticize and use the visual information they perceive, and to form their own opinions and feelings in relation to certain phenomena in life. I hope this article can
Art can be a great occasion and a great tool for parents to
Whether you understand it or not, you are surrounded by various forms of art. It can be a sculpture, painting, photography, or something that you completely depend on, but don’t consider art. In addition, beautifully decorated towels, beautifully embroidered pillowcases or bedspreads, even interesting lamps in the corners of rooms represent art as well.
It is recommended and even necessary to introduce children to art from birth. At preschool age, they are most susceptible to various types of art. It is that stage of development where it is important to begin to shape the child’s love of classical art.
During primary school, students often encounter great works of art, creative tasks, theaters, museums, and exhibitions during the lesson process. However, with the transition of children to the middle classes, the importance of creative and spiritual development goes into the background. This is where the need for additional education arises. One of the types of institutions of additional education is an art school.
Art plays a huge role in the development of a kid and society. Being an artistic reflection of reality, it has a strong influence on the development of a person, forms feelings, thoughts, morality and life principles. The introduction of a child to art is simply necessary; it is especially important in our time. Today more and more students enjoy art in education and
Art exists from the moment when the human race began, and therefore there is no need to point out its importance in various aspects. And, as Leo Tolstoy once remarked: “Art is human activity, consisting in the fact that one person transmits to others the feelings he experiences, and other people become infected with these feelings and experience them.” Art teaches us how to empathize.
As a result, here are 7 Reasons why arts in education is so important for kids:
- Being able to appreciate art, a person gets the opportunity to develop: to pursue creativity, to put up with diversity, to achieve emotional balance. Kids find it easier to learn and acquire knowledge by studying art.
- Art enhances the learning process. Systems in art, which include our integrated sensory, cognitive, emotional and motor abilities, are, in fact, the driving force of all other training.
3.Children who are engaged in art, no matter whether they are trying to create something or simply appreciate art from afar, tend to work better in other academic subjects.
- Art reduces the exclusion of students, increases attendance, develops the best players of the team, fosters a love of learning and many others.
- Art in education can improve kids’ school performance.
- Art will increase the self-esteem of children, as they will learn what it means to be an individual (for example, artists, musicians, or painters), as well as what it means to belong to a particular community.
- It makes your child feel happy and free because you have chosen to decorate your living space exactly as you did for a reason. In addition, art makes kids calm and relaxed, and also fills them with enthusiasm and inspires them to complete various tasks at home or at school.
How to teach children art?
The museum can help students come into contact with some of the greatest works of one of the greatest painters and sculptors of all time. This will help them to expand their experience and understanding of art. In addition, it will give them the opportunity to connect the past, present, and future, to compare and learn a lesson.
Fortunately, even if you do not have the opportunity to visit a gallery or do not want to invest in an artistic activity or art, there is an alternative that can be very useful – download any of the art applications and learn how to evaluate art while listening to good music. This will help your kids to improve the studying process.
For example, using the Leonardo da Vinci Virtual Museum application, both children and parents can enjoy his famous works of art, carefully checking every picture to the smallest detail, as it is available in high resolution. In addition, they can learn some things about Da Vinci, as the application includes his biography. In addition, each picture contains a title and explains what has inspired the author to draw it. It must be admitted that this can be very educational, as it teaches children about the time in the past, when life was different, and when people were striving for different things. This can teach them to appreciate the history, as well as the “customs and way of life” of other people.
Summing up, art helps a person to become better, as it teaches children analytical thinking, teamwork, and creativity. These are lifetime characteristics that can be applied in all areas of study or work.
Annabel Kuper graduated Harvard Business School and studied many executive education programs. She is a business strategic expert by day and thesis writing fanatic by night, writing all sorts of great content and expert writer for popular magazines