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Integrating Online and Offline Marketing

Featured image by Marjan Blan | @marjanblan on Unsplash Regardless of what you might have heard, offline marketing hasn’t gone anywhere. In fact, it’s likely to become even more important as more people spend more and more time outdoors, in the real world, over summer. So start now to create a balance between offline and online marketing for […]

Президент застройщика ПИК обвинил Яндекс в копипасте

Сергей Гордеев сказал на ПМЭФ-2021, что Яндекс в сервисе “Аренда” скопировал “ПИК-Аренду“. Последняя появилась в 2018 году, к 2020 году через неё сдавалось 500-1000 квартир в месяц (по собственным данным компании). “Яндекс.Аренда” официально запустилась на этой неделе. Все три сервиса, включая “Сдай-Сними” от Cian, обещают помочь владельцу квартиры сдать её: подобрать жильцов, проверив их платежеспособность […]

VTimes не выжили без пейволла и инвесторов

Издание VTimes сегодня подтвердило появившиеся вчера слухи о своём закрытии. Признание иноагентом отпугнуло от площадки и рекламодателей, и источники информации (“многие чиновники, бизнесмены и даже аналитики опасаются давать комментарии «иноагенту» — и мы тоже понимаем почему”). Редакция VTimes подчёркивает, что не планировала создавать оппозиционное СМИ и “инструмент пропаганды”. Запускалось “качественное и независимое медиа, площадка для […]

How Lawyers Can Obtain More Client Leads

Featured image by LEANDRO AGUILAR from Pixabay  Becoming an attorney and working for yourself are great things, but you need to find clients. And if you look for client leads online, you’ll have a lot of competition. The good news is you can use the tips highlighted below to find more legal leads, whether you focus on criminal […]

What I Wish I Knew Before Buying Rental Property

In early 2006, my husband and I decided to purchase our first home in my hometown of Greenfield, Indiana. After shopping around for a few months, we decided on a 1,300 square feet home with three bedrooms, an open kitchen and living room, and a fenced back yard. Since we had moved there from a one-bedroom […]

The Right Approach to Real Estate Investment in 2021

Featured image by Photo Mix from Pixabay  Any seasoned real estate investor will tell you how dynamic the real estate scene is. A real estate investment strategy considered juicy today can be obsolete tomorrow. One of the greatest attributes a real estate investor can nurture is the ability to identify current and future market trends and be flexible […]

A Guide to Futures Trading: How Does It Work?

Featured image by Myimagine What is futures trading, and how does it work? We explore this topic here. As the world’s financial markets have continued to evolve over time, traders have been able to access a wider range of asset classes and investment vehicles. Some of these are more popular than others, of course. For […]
